UPDATE: This article was written 11 October, 2024 - scheduled to be released 14 October, 2024. But new information has come to light. A possible THIRD assassination on 45.
A look at the charts of 45 and Kamala Harris 26 days out from election. I mentioned the Full Moon in Aries a few weeks ago (the Almost Lunar Eclipse) as it pertains to Harris’ chart, saying there could be a pivot, step-back or change of some kind around 17 October. So let’s take a look:
45’s transits 17 October 2024
Transits for 45 on 17 October are different in that they are fairly positive.
Mercury in Scorpio (4th) by transit trines his natal Mercury in Cancer (12th) - water
Transit Sun in Libra (3rd) trines natal Sun in Gemini (11th) -air
Moon in Taurus (10th) by transit sextiles his natal Mercury in Cancer (12th) by degree
Venus by transit in Libra trines his natal Venus in Scorpio just one day before she ingresses into Sagittarius ( still making a trine when she does)
Transiting Sun in Libra (3rd) squares his natal Venus Cancer (12th)
Uranus in 26 Taurus (10th) sextiles his natal Venus in 26 Cancer (12th) by degree
Now looking ahead to 30 October, 2024
Transit Sun in Scorpio (4th) trines (120°) natal Mercury in Cancer (12th) - by degree and element
Moon in Libra (3rd) by transit trines (120°) natal Sun in Gemini - by degree - element
Transiting Moon in Libra also (semi) sextiles natal Moon in Sagittarius by degree.
Moon in Libra (3rd) by transit also trines natal Uranus in Gemini by degree/element.
Transit Mars 28° Cancer conjuncts natal Venus 25° Cancer (11th); natal Mars 26° Leo (12th) trines (120°) transiting Uranus in Taurus (10th). On 3 November, transit Venus is approaching the critical 17°degree Sagittarius to conjunct his natal Moon 21° Sagittarius (4th).
*Uranus 25° Taurus opposing Mercury 25° Scorpio.
Mars is his most malefic planet and it rules his MC. Although these transits look positive, having Mars in the 12th - prisons and secret enemies - ruling his MC can be about secret things that we as the public, are not privy to. This becomes especially important as Mars begins to change signs - from Cancer to 0° Leo the day of the election and then retrogrades 6 December 2024.
*Mars began his pre-shadow phase on 4 October, 2024.
Kamala Harris
17 October 2024
FM in Aries hits her natal Sun Libra and Moon in Aries but transit Moon opposes her natal Sun and transit Sun conjuncts her natal Sun .She also has transit Mercury conjuncting her natal Mercury . This is in the 5th & 11th houses.
These are pretty rough aspects because her personal planets are involved and Venus has ingressed 0° Sagittarius in the 7th house of open enemies on 17 October. Venus is her moderate benefic but that FM in Aries means, Moon by both transit and natally, rule her 2nd house of personal finances. I only bring this up because of one other aspect that I will share later.
Mars is also her most malefic planet and it is placed in her 2nd house of finances byt transit and her 3rd house of communications, antics and points of view.
30 October 2024
2 weeks later we find transiting Moon in Libra and transiting Sun in Scorpio making 4 aspects:
Transit Moon 20° Libra conjunct natal Sun 27° Libra
Transit Moon 20° Libra conjunct natal Mercury 1° Scorpio
Transit Sun 8°Scorpio conjunct natal Mercury 1° Scorpio
Transit Moon 20° Libra oppose natal Moon 27° Aries
In the 17 October chart, there is an exact opposition of Uranus 25° Taurus (12th) to Mercury 25°Scorpio (6th), and her natal Jupiter 24 Taurus (12th) opposes her natal Mercury 1°Scorpio (5th). I find this to be a most striking aspect of her chart- a double opposition by transits and natally.
This brings me to a reading I conducted on 3 August, 2024. In the reading the cards spoke of investment money, money, a thief, betrayal by a woman(women), losses and abuse….
The Moon rules Cancer. Cancer is on her 2nd house cusp which means that her 2nd house of personal finances is in play. Uranus 25° Taurus opposing Mercury 25°Scorpio makes me think we might hear some news concerning her personal finances OR something to do with Tim Walz, sometime around 30 October - a few days before to a few days after. If we do, know that this was triggered by the Full Moon in Aries - the Almost Lunar Eclipse.
By 30 October Venus is approaching the critical 17° degree of Sagittarius (3 November 2024) when Venus by transit squares her natal Venus and natal Uranus.
Venus is the ruler of both Taurus (12th - secret enemies) house and Libra (5th - creative endeavors).
They are both under the transit of Uranus 25° Taurus opposing Mercury 25° Scorpio which could very well mean that we may hear some news involving EITHER one or both however, I feel that because Harris’s chart is triggered by the Aries Full Moon that it will most likely be news involving her because of the hard aspects to her Sun-Moon on 17 October. They are both under the Mars pre-shadow phase moving into November.
Something to note:
This is not to say she may not win, but I noticed today that her campaign deployed Obama who then went on to try and shame Black men for not getting on the Kamala Joy and Opportunity campaign. The word is that the Dems have received internal polling info and she’s fallen behind in every swing state - at least she’s not polling at the same numbers as Biden at this same stage of the race. Remember, it’s not the popular vote that elects presidents - it’s the electoral college vote.
UPDATE: news on Harris’ standing in the polls.
The race is close so I won’t make any predictions about who will be the definite winner - the astrology surrounding the election is very, very strange. We will have to wait and see.
Tara, xx
I appreciate the fact that your commentaries are neutral and unbiased. Thank you for that.
Well done Tara - you’ve always said something doesn’t add up for this election 🗳️❤️🤍💙