Whether you like him or dislike him, 47 was born a very Uranian person. Although Sun Gemini, his Sun/Uranus conjunction fuses his personality and life force with unpredictability. Add to the Sun/Uranus conjunction the NN and it adds to the quality of his potential to be a genius on one hand and criminal on the other. He goes against everything society abnormal behavior.
Almost every revolutionary had a strong Uranian signature in their chart. They were able to see the world through a different lens and were labeled agents of change. If positive change, they were called genius however, if the change was negative, they were labeled as criminals and exiled. You could point to the fact that he is a conman, has 34 felony convictions or you could point to changes he made during his first term - Roe v. Wade, on immigration, on NATO.
From the Left he is often labeled as a threat to democracy, the Chief Disruptor, an agent of chaos. From the Right he’s hailed as Drainer of the Swamp, a political outsider, Champion of the Forgotten People. But you must agree that no matter which side you are on he is polarizing.
What I am about to say may make many of you upset, just know that I am not a 47 fan…but many Uranian-type people are often susceptible to rejection, abandonment and betrayal because they are rule-breakers and think outside the box and many of them feel rejected because they do not fit in. (Don’t come for me because I made these statements. I am only providing a truth about Uranian-type people). You don’t have to like or agree with it. It is an objective astrological observation.
Let’s take a look at some transits to 47s chart to see what may happen. I will be looking at just few - I feel - important transits.
First thing is his Uranus/MC conjunction in Taurus. He will have this configuration for about 2 years. This makes him very visible because the MC is a sensitive point in the chart. MC represents your achievements, what you want to be known for, your status and ambition, your legacy. Having Uranus on this point brings sudden recognition, status. Uranus also brings hairpin turns, unpredictability - one can never be sure with Uranus.
Back on 13 July 2024 this was a trigger point because of the Mars-Uranus conjunction was conjunct his natal MC. And of course we all remember what happened on 13 July 2024 in Butler PA. This Mars-Uranus conjunction set off a wave of assassination attempts all through out July - September 2024, aided by a partial lunar eclipse on 18 September 2024, followed by the Annular Solar Eclipse on 3 October and the “almost lunar eclipse on 17 October. We - the public heard about the latest assassination attempt on 8 November 2024 concerning the Iranian government - supposedly for the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, 3 January 2020 by the first 45 administration.
15 November 2024, we have the Full Moon in Taurus which will be going over his MC. It will also be conjuncting transit Uranus at 25 Taurus - the same degree as the Mars-Uranus conjunction back in July. Moon is all about safety, security, home. Conjuncting Uranus could mean being all jittery and uncertain - a bit of insecurity, on the MC in the 10th can be all about picking his cabinet. Making sure that he can trust them. That they remain “loyal” to him. Moon in the 10th can also be about the public “face” you present while doing business. Tomorrow he is scheduled to meet Biden (and most likely Harris) and could mean that he separates his personal feelings from his professional feelings. His Moon is the ruler of the 12th house so I expect that no matter what he feels personally, he will be on his “best behavior and be gracious” and all the while - he wants to rip Biden’s throat out. What I would give to be a fly on the wall during that conversation! Expect to hear about it between 13 - 17 November.
Legal News
We are all waiting to see what happens with the Hush Money case. The reports have said that the Judge is going to postpone his ruling on sentencing until a week from now. This will be occurring right before Mercury Rxs 22 Sagittarius 25 November.
19 November 2024 is the date and this retrograde happens across his 5th house of risks, gambles and creative endeavors. It will also be opposing transiting Jupiter in Gemini. These two planets are in affinity, meaning they are in each other’s sign. Mercury is ruler of Gemini and Jupiter is ruler of Sagittarius. Jupiter rules laws both secular and non-secular and Mercury rules communications (faxes, calls, texts, correspondence, reasoning and declarations (notices). This case comes under the Mercury Rx just two days (23 Nov) before the planet actually goes backwards.
I don’t feel we will hear anything about this case until the weeks of 2 - 20 December. Right before Christmas and just a month from Inauguration Day. May be sooner - give or take a few days - but that’s my feeling. I cannot and do not believe that any of his legal cases will go forward, particularly in light of SCOTUS’ ruling on presidential immunity. 47s lawyers are already asking that all his cases be dismissed. Judge Merchan has ordered Alvin Bragg to make his position known by 10am on 19 November. If 47 is successful getting the case and sentencing delayed, all other cases will fall by the wayside. Jack Smith is winding up his two federal cases against 47, which leaves the Coffee County GA case and Fani Willis.
However, I don’t feel that we will hear zip about them and he is successful he will be free to be the President. He will NEVER see the inside of a jail cell. EVER.
Genius? Disruptor? Criminal? Conman? Crazy? I don’t know but I have often said that 47 is crazy like a fox. Like him or not.
Uranus being on the MC for 2 years…is leaving me with questions which cannot be answered due to the unpredictable nature of the planet - legal case, health issue or another assassination attempt comes to snatch him from victory? I don’t know. Yet, I keep saying that he has to make it until Inauguration Day. It is a question that can’t be answered right now.
Until next time. Be Good to Yourselves.
Tara, xx
Hi Tara, love your way of making sense out of EVERYTHING!! Making it to inauguration is correct! I'm just a regular person but my instincts tell me the election results didn't "add up", and it has a lot to do with the Muskrat. And they were so blatant like nobody is going to find out what you just did and how you did it? Hmm......
To clarify: when you say:
“legal case, health issue or another assassination attempt comes to snatch him from victory?”
Do you think one of these three things could occur: legal, health or death?