The New Moon is conjunct (0°)the Sun at 9° Capricorn. To clarify how this New Moon may impact you on a personal level, locate 9° Capricorn in your birth chart. The issues associated with that house will be most influenced by this New Moon.
First, let’s start with Planetary Movements.
2 January 2024 - 5 February 2025: Venus moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces for a months-long stay. And while we are still under the potentially volatile Mars-Pluto opposition, this Venus transit through Pisces has good energy for connecting with others. It may bring increased kindness and compassion and will definitely bring the warm and fuzzies. But remember - Pisces can be a bit ungrounded, so we may not see our relationships clearly during this time. It could also be a time when it becomes a bit more difficult than usual to control emotional reactions. It is important that we avoid getting lost in a fantasy of what “could be”. Venus also applies to our finances and creative projects.
6 December 2024 - 19 April 2025: A VERY long transit of Mars Rx which started 6 December, in the sign of Leo. But on Tuesday, 7 January he leaves Leo and re-enters Cancer where he will remain until his retrograde phase is over - 23 February 2025. He will then turn direct in the sign of Cancer until 19 April 2025. Mars is not comfortable in the watery sign of the Crab and thus it can increase our emotional reactivity - even making us moody. Yet we may be slow to anger and often can put our family first (or those we’ve defined as family). Taking actions that can increase our sense of safety and security may be key during this time - especially while Mars is retrograde - conflict may be harder to handle on emotional level and it may be difficult to come to satisfactory compromises.
9 January 2025 - 29 January 2025: Mercury leaves Sagittarius and ingresses into Capricorn. This may assist with the watery energies of Venus in Pisces and Mars in Cancer. Communications can take on a more serious, realistic tone and our thinking can become more practical and methodical. This can be a good time for getting organized because we may be able to concentrate on the task at hand or what is relevant in a given situation. It may also bring up some interesting ideas about our career and/or increase financial reserves.
New Moon in Capricorn Highlights
All New Moons provide a opportunity for fresh new emotional starts in the area associated with the sign and in Capricorn:
the higher expression of Capricorn can include being responsible, practical, disciplined, patient and/or organized. Capricorn also relates to leadership and hard work.
the lower expression can include being materialistic, status-seeking, too conventional and/or overly-critical.
The annual New Moon in Capricorn is a time when we are ready to get organized - with a focus on issues such as responsibility - and often simplifying our lives in some way. We may have recently been contemplating a big change or even smaller ones but either/or we may be feeling the need to achieve something new or different and are willing to be use strategy in our long-range planning to get there. Capricorn’s energy gives us the motivation , endurance, strength and focus that will be needed to push through any obstacles that may hinder us and we can make slow, steady progress towards our goals.
Some planetary aspects that will be co-present at the time of this New Moon:
Saturn is the natural ruler of Capricorn and at this time, the Sun and Moon are in a sextile (60°) angle to Saturn. There are no other major aspects to any other planets and this could mean that the Capricorn enery should be much easier to access and extra strong.
However, we will have a t-square configuration at the time of this New Moon involving Mercury in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Gemini both making an opposition (180°) with both squaring (90°) Saturn. This makes Saturn the “focal” planet and provides even more emphasis on all things Capricorn! The Mercury-Jupiter opposition can bring a lot of expansive ideas and can cause us to feel more social, enthusiastic and optimistic during this time. Given that Mercury has moved direct (as of 15 December), all forms of communication are likely to be very active and lively. This may sound great, but the squares to Saturn can bring a seriousness to the table. We may be presented with some obstacles and delays but these can force us to pare down our optimism and expansive plans. For example, we may realize that in order to be successful, we may need to take on fewer or more realistic projects. These limitations may be frustrating but are meant to provide much needed reality checks. It is the Universe’s way of telling us to “slow down a minute”. So while the Mercury-Jupiter opposition is telling us that it’s fine to “think big”, Saturn is there to ground and remind us to “pay attention to the details”. In order for any project to have success in the long-run, we have to lay the necessary groundwork - and Saturn can assist us in this.
Mercury could also impact communication because of its involvement in the t-square configuration. The Mercury-Jupiter opposition is often associated with an increased need to express ourselves. WE may be reminded that speaking or writing too much can dilute our message. We should understand that expressing ourselves in a responsible manner can increase the chances that what we say will be heard - sometimes “less is more”.
Mars will be in an exact trine (120°) to Chiron. This can give us extra courage and clarity when we might feel vulnerable in expressing ourselves - which in turn, can aid in all forms of action - including communication. Chiron is the Wounded Healer and having him involved with this trine, could help lead to healing some past wounds by:
It could be that what someone expresses will help us to heal
It could be that our own words can help someone else on their healing journey
The second and 3rd Mars - Pluto exact oppositions will be 3 January 2025 and the final 27 April, 2025. As we move closer to the January, we may be feeing the influence creeping up on us. In my last Moon Report, I mentioned the higher expression of this opposition included increased enery to accomplish very challenging task. However, this opposition could cause people to become argumentative and reactive - especially if both participants try to impose their beliefs about what is right and wrong. I will repeat this message: It is/will be a good time to be patient with one another. Polarized viewpoints can come to the forefront within a relationship so try to be mindful - watch and observe - rather than react or even attack. You can still hold your own position of what is right for yourself without judging/being judged by those who do not/can not agree with your beliefs.
While Mars is moving retrograde, it can be very likely that we need to face something that isn’t/hasn’t been working in our lives for some time. REtrograde means you get an opportunity for a RE-do, RE-vamp, RE-shape, RE-vise, RE-configure or RE-novate something before moving forward again. Because the Mars-Pluto opposition is also happening when Mars is retrograde, any changes will involve letting go of something that is no longer serving its original purpose. <READ THAT SENTENCE AGAIN. By “cleaning house” major healing is possible.
Venus will be squaring (90°) Uranus at the New Moon. This can increase potential for interpersonal conflicts and friction, often through unexpected events. Relationships, financial investments and/or creative projects might be tested - you may question their stability or ability to last - especially if something or someone has been limiting our feeling of independence/personal freedom.
Of interest - 10 January 2025, the Nodes will change signs - from Aries/Libra, to Virgo/Pisces. While Aries (NN)/Libra (SN) the themes seem to have been playing out as (Collective) Me vs (Collective) Them story. Changing signs to Virgo (the collective health) vs Pisces (the collective unconscious) - we will be asked to look at the way we work, sleep, exercise and our health vs being asked to look at what we know intuitively about compassion, empathy and imagination. The Mars-Pluto opposition will be forming very close trines (120°) and sextiles (60°) to the NN Aries/SN Libra and will be powerful and effective time to review 2024. Neptune in Pisces will be conjunct (0°) the NN (Aries) and opposing the SN (Libra). SN means - what we need to let go of vs where we are headed (NN) and it may be based on our intuition not our logic.
Until next time. Be Good to Yourselves.
Tara, xx
A little housekeeping: I am now on Buy Me A Coffee so if you’d like to support my work - you can now do so by Buying Me A Coffee/Tea/Water. Thank you to AllisonD for being my first supporter❤️🙂!
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones, Tara.
Happy New Year Tara .. Thank you for the new moon article .. God bless you... I am a sun Virgo BD 1 sept 1970 at 5:26am in Nairobi Kenya... This new moon Trines my Sun @ 8 Virgo and moon @ 10 Virgo bt Squares my Chiron @ 9 Aries.. it confuses me what i should expect.... Transit Aesculapia is as well @ 9 Taurus Trining my natal sun and moon in Virgo and semisextiles Chiron in Aries.... I have so many problems... Am just curious to know if this New moon will bring something New in my life Thank you Tara