Suit: Minor Arcana/Court Cards/Pip
Astrology: Sagittarius
Relates to persons born: 22 - 28 November
Timing: Within 10 weeks
Divinatory Message: The Page of Wands usually depicts a young boy or girl who is always associated with messages, news and information. This person is often fun-loving and energetic and is ready to tackle tasks with enthusiasm, vigor and youthful energy. The person is often outspoken - who can be edgy during negative moods - but on the flip-side, can be very charming.
A few upright keywords (U): an envoy, ally, messenger/messages, a lover, consistency, stability, progressive, direct, new beginnings, application and assiduous.
A few upright interpretations (U):
Small beginnings connected with creativity, imagination and inspiration will be ready to unfold when the Page of Wands appears upright.
Upright in a spread, the Page of Wands can indicate happiness coming into your life and may even imply that a new love or romance is ahead.
The Page of Wands appearing upright in a reading indicates that there is a need for more study which will afford you a great deal of personal growth. It signifies that you can expect success in something that you have worked hard towards.
In a reading, the upright Page of Wands may suggest that family problems are coming to an end and close friend could help enlighten you and you will see things from a new perspective.
A few reversed keywords (R): dull, unimaginative, indecision, bad news, reluctance, mistrust and suspicion.
A few reversed interpretations (R):
Reversed, the Page of Wands can indicate that a young person could be the source of bad or negative news/information.
The Page of Wands appearing reversed may be implying that an uncomfortable relationship or situation with someone who may be domineering and/or stubborn. This person may be upsetting you - keep a clear had and stay focused.
Appearing in a spread reversed, the Page of Wands indicates a self-centered person with a tendency to gossip and spread hurtful rumors. This person cannot be trusted with any secrets.
The Page of Wands reversed is a message to be wary of taking short cuts of any kind, as it will not be worth your while - both in the short term and long term.
If you are attempting to read cards for yourself or others, these are just a few interpretations of the card. As you become more secure and proficient at reading cards, you should be able to come up with your own intuitive meanings of this card, but feel free to use these interpretations for your tarot journal.
Until next time.
Be Good to Yourselves.
Tara, xx