Suit: Pentacles/Coins, Pip Card
Astrology: Aquarius, Libra
Planets: Venus, Saturn, Uranus
Number: 6
Relates to people born: 22nd - 27 August
Timing: 1st of May to 13th of May
Divinatory Message: The Six of Pentacles speaks to equilibrium, stability, balance of the mind and spirit and harmony. The character of the 6 of Pentacles depicts a person who is financially successful but also has goodness in his heart.
A few upright keywords (U): generosity, fairness, charity, rewards, attention, thoughtfulness, balance and accomplishments.
A few upright interpretations (U):
When the 6 of Pentacles is upright in a spread, it may be an indication that promotions, employment opportunities and new business prospects, bonuses may be available for you take up. Efforts from past work will be rewarded.
The Six of Pentacles tells that generosity shown to others at this time will reap karmic rewards, three-fold.
Appearing upright, the 6 of pentacles implies that you may be in a position where you be able to assist others financially. You may find yourself in a very influential and powerful position, which will be demanding but also rewarding.
A generous offer/opportunity arises for you to consider and it is a most auspicious time to look into all avenues that intrigue you.
The Six of Pentacles upright in a spread, implies that assistance will come when it is most needed. It may manifest as a sudden win or windfall, or finances becoming available at the most appropriate time.
A few reversed keywords (R): insecurity, envy, non-recognition, unfairness in business, bad debt, greed, “dirty deeds” and jealousy.
A few reversed interpretations (R):
The reversed Six of Pentacles may be telling of a situation regarding the distribution of money and/or assets to do with an estate, business venture or inheritance issue. It tells of a feeling of your prosperity being threatened.
Appearing reversed, the 6 of Pentacles may be implying that your generosity will be taken advantage of, so beware of people who may be looking for their own gain.
When the 6 of Pentacles appears reversed in a reading, it is an indication of emotional insecurity and unsettled feelings.
Six of Pentacles reversed could be implying that someone near you (or even yourself) could be experiencing envy or jealousy. There may be a tendency towards selfishness and greed.
The Six of Pentacles reversed may indicate that one partner gives more that their fair share, and the other takes more than is warranted - there is no balance within the relationship. Relationship-wise, this situation may seem unfair or unjust.
Note: If you are attempting to read cards for yourself or others, these are just a few interpretations of the card. As you become more secure and proficient at reading cards, you should be able to come up with your own intuitive meanings of this card, but feel free to use these interpretations for your tarot journal.
Until next time.
Be Good to Yourselves.
Tara, xx