Suit: Minor Arcana/Pip Cards.
Number: 10/1
Decan Ruler: Sun
Timing: 10th - 22nd June
Relates to people born: 15th - 21st November
Divinatory Message: The Ten of Swords indicates the result of all forces - both positive and negative, and tells of an old cycle coming to completion with a new cycle to begin. The X of Swords is a card of changed fortunes and within those changes it asks that you show compassion to those less fortunate. It also tells of transition and individuality with purpose.
A few upright keywords (U) - pain, affliction, tears, sadness, anxieties, self-pity, karmic lessons and endings.
A few upright interpretations:
The 10 of Swords upright, may imply that a difficult time is upon you at present. There may be a sense of loss, hopelessness and sorrow.
Appearing upright in a spread, the 10 of Swords implies that there is a focus on failure and destruction. It also tells of a painful end to a difficult situation and that a karmic life lesson has been learned.
Career-wise and upright, the 10 of Swords may be implying that a job and/or social position may be in jeopardy and may even suggest a separation or severance of ties with a relationship.
The Ten of Swords upright may be foretelling of a long journey or trip to come.
A few reversed keywords (R) - advantage, profit, success, favor, power and authority.
A few reversed interpretations:
Reversed, the 10 of Swords tells that events are coming about which will usher in fresh energies, bringing a new and positive vibration. It can foretell of a steady improvement on the business/financial front and you are to think clearly and make wise decisions that should help you to reap the most benefits to come.
In a spread and appearing reversed, the Ten of Swords issues a warning/caution with regards to strangers or people you feel “not quite right” about. Do not participate in gossip or backstabbing because there will be ramifications. Listen to your intuition and act accordingly.
The X of Swords reversed tells of an advantage or gain in personal power and profit however, be aware that this state can be temporary. You will need to re-foster your courage in order to be able to re-rise again.
10 of Swords reversed, is a stong message not take anything for granted or to rely on others at this time. It is a warning to you to take extra care and remain vigilant in regards to your well-being, personal belongings and home security, as mishaps are awry at this time.
If you are attempting to read cards for yourself or others, these are just a few interpretations of the card. As you become more secure and proficient at reading cards, you should be able to come up with your own intuitive meanings of this card, but feel free to use these interpretations for your tarot journal.
Until next time.
Be Good to Yourselves.
Tara, xx
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Deep bow and much gratitude.
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