Suit: Major Arcana
Astrology: Cancer/Sagittarius
Planets: Moon/Mercury
Number: 7
Corresponding Rune: Ehwaz/Mannaz
Corresponding I-Ching: #32. Endurance
Divinatory Message: Conflict within, struggles and battles, but potential for victory; resolution of quarrels.
The Chariot symbolizes enthusiam, competitiveness and triumph. The Chariot depicts duality and tells that you can both cowardly and courageous, weak and strong and that you can contain love and hate together in your heart. Allow yourself to explore these contradictory feelings.
The Chariot has a message that all opposites can stand side-by-side and that the identity of each is made more distinct by virtue of its opposing characteristics. Without conflict in our lives that induces us to change and grow, we stagnate. The conflict can make us dissatisfied with our present way of living and encourages us to find new solutions. The positive sides of the self, being strong and self controlled, balancing conflicting emotions, triumphing over obstacles, and sustaining an effort, can support attaning goals thereby leading the way to transformation and self-knowledge.
A few upright keywords (U): empowerment, drive, ambition, mastery will, focus, the wise use of energy and self discipline.
A few upright interpretations:
The Chariot upright can indicate travel, a happy short trip or holiday and even a move residence. If the latter, it would be an excellent time to make plans and preparations.
Appearing in a spread upright, The Chariot card may be telling of victories in many areas of your life goals, including work and career attainment as well as personal relationships.
Within the context of a reading, The Chariot can represent the “calm before the storm”. It is a powerful card that promotes immediate action and tells you to be alert and try to remain in control in order to proceed.
When The Chariot card appears, it can indicate that there is/will be a focus on identifying problems by asking one’s self searching questions, while needing the importance of learning lessons from previous mistakes made.
A few reverse keywords (R): quarreling, misdirection, litigation, conflict, failure, dispute, defeat.
A few reversed interpretations:
Appearing reversed, The Chariot may imply that you may find that at this time, it is easy to become involved in arguments over petty matters. One such argument could lead to litigation, which could/would result in defeat.
When The Chariot appears reversed in a spread, it may be indicating a sudden collapse of plans. It may also be telling of a failure to face reality.
The Chariot reversed may suggest a possible loss, so be security conscious. Pre-wared is pre-prepared.
The reversed Chariot cautions against making impulsive decisions. It warns you not to “make changes for changes sake.”
If you are attempting to read cards for yourself or others, these are just a few interpretations of the card. As you become more secure and proficient at reading cards, you should be able to come up with your own intuitive meanings of this card, but feel free to use these interpretations for your tarot journal.
Until next time.
Be Good to Yourselves.
Tara, xx