Suit: Major Arcana
Astrology: Leo
Planet: The Sun
Number: 19
Corresponding Rune: Sowelo
Corresponding I-Ching: #30, The Flaming Beauty or The Clinging Fire
Divinatory Meaning - Optimism; a time of positive action; energy in abundance; a time of clear vision.
The Sun is considered the primary source of light, warmth and light, the Sun banishes darkness and illuminates our path clearly, bringing enlightenment. The Sun tarot card represents the energies of good health, vitality, virility, opportunity, generosity, success, children, self-confidence and material wealth. These positive elements provide us with the confidence that will make a success of all our endeavors, be they emotional, material or spiritually based.
A few upright keywords (U) - YES!, culminations, synthesis, wholeness, happiness, successful unions, ambition, friendship, perfection, positive outcomes and contentment.
A few upright interpretations (U):
The Sun appearing upright in a reading is telling you to take the opportunity presented in front of you. Do not hesitate as it will be well worth your while. New ventures will prosper.
The Sun is associated with achievements in the fields of arts and science, so if you are studying, the card indicates that you studies are coming to successful conclusion.
When The Sun is upright in a spread, it is a very positive sign and implies that your plans, goals and/or desires will come to fruition and that your answer will be a resounding “Yes”.
The Sun implies that everything is growing and expanding and that there may be celebrations ahead. In a reading upright, The Sun indicates mutual happiness, success, attainment and happy reunions.
The Sun appearing in a reading upright can infer an understanding of a previously confusing situation.
A few reversed keywords (R) - lack of effort, loneliness, cancellations, postponements, vanity, arrogance, false appearances, uncertainty and failure.
A few reversed interpretations (R):
Reversed in a spread, The Sun tells of a need to be realistic. It may be indicating that you need to “stop in your tracks” and have a realistic outlook on your life. Be perfectly honest with yourself. You may need to put more concerted effort into reaching your goals. There may be a gap between your personal plans and ambitions and the present reality.
When The Sun appears reversed, it is asking you to double-check all aspects prior to becoming involved or committing to anything of importance. Do not allow others to fool you by omitting or changing details or through you not paying proper attention.
Appearing reversed in a reading, The Sun can indicate a loss of some sort, It may imply that you are making rash, impractical decisions/choices. It also warns that future plans may be delayed, postponed or canceled due to disagreements within a relationship.
The reversed Sun often tells of disagreements and misunderstandings in the home front or the work arena. This may negatively affect close relationships.
When reversed, The Sun can indicate that there may be some inner feelings of loneliness and isolation but The Sun still promises some happiness.
Note: If you are attempting to read cards for yourself or others, these are just a few interpretations of the card. As you become more secure and proficient at reading cards, you should be able to come up with your own intuitive meanings of this card, but feel free to use these interpretations for your tarot journal.
Until next time.
Be Good to Yourselves.
Tara, xx
Thank you
I really enjoyed this week’s card. You highlighted nuances in its reversal that I hadn’t considered before. Thank you!