

This full moon will pack a 🥊 but I feel that many folk are feeling (or will be feeling) that t-square of Sun, Mercury Rx, Uranus and the Moon.

Uranus has a weird, erratic orbit - sort of like the giant planet himself is nervous. And yes, there will be changes. People have been protesting all around the globe.

You are right that we cannot change or control things. Stephen Forrest says: “The first realization of reality, is to realize you’re not in control of anything.”

That’s pretty scary but also true. I think what helps is that we (humans) absolutely have more in common than we do differences and I hope this gets through.

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Aug 19Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

Let’s be honest , as a controlfreak

myself, it is most the difficult advise to give / or get( just surrender )… but indeed very true. Let’s hope the “ride” will be a little mild for us. I just realised the DNC did not start yet. I hope that you’ll get more insight about your Kamela Harris reading after that!!

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Oh Gioia - the DNC convention has not *officially* started yet, but is well under way in. the minds of most Chicagoans. 👀👀

The demonstrations/protests and disruptions started yesterday before the candidates arrived.

Tonight is the Aquarian Full Moon and I will do another spread/reading two days after the moon has culminated...hopefully there will be new insights then.

Off to physical therapy now 👋🏾

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Aug 19Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

🙏🙏 Thank You Tara. That’s an awesomely helpful read in challenging times.

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Aug 17Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

Beautifully written,

Although it is human nature to try to control things, sometimes it is just better to surrender to change. You can compare it with quicksand; because the more you struggle, the deeper you sink. Change does not always goes hand in hand with Nice things, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need change. As an aquarius myself I do hope that in the end we we will find each other again in the similaririties we posess, and not as nowadays loose eachother in the differences❤️

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Exciting times and …. “Yo go girl”💪

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