Feb 11Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

Love your outlook on Biden/Harris. However, Biden’s home state is Delaware, not Pennsylvania. Hope that doesn’t mess up your forecast!

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Well I say: Gird your loins because it is POSSIBLE. We will have to wait and see.

PS: You SHOULD care about people like the Kochs and the Wilks Brothers (Dan & Farris) They have enough money to “buy” Presidents and elections… and they don’t have your best interest in mind.

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Listen. The President is NOT elected by the popular vote. He’s elected by the Electoral College. So if they pick him - we’re all up shit creek in a chicken wire canoe without a paddle.

The cure for this problem is Fix The Broken Electoral College system.

Because it’ll all be a moot point in the end if he wins

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Let's just forget about Joe's "dementia" talk. Trump's idiocy is on display daily. So I don't know about his luck or his astrologer, but this is the end to his lofty authocratic ideas. The st least 55% of population in th country is sick of him and his ilk. His victories are pyrrhic and nothing to get excited about. There are far too many people who would not vote for him.

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Newsome is an interesting twist to the Biden Harris ticket. I heard that Newsome belongs to a spiritual group of Ultra rich philantropist and he is very intune spiritually. I do not know why the democrats do not see that they need to have another female candidate to offer us voters. It is a shame that the media only focuses on Biden & 45. (I like that you do not use the former president's name).

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I have followed you for quite some time. You lost me at Uncle Joe. You seem quite gleeful at the Press going on about his perceived dementia. Shame on you. You have definitely lost a follower.

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