
I don’t feel that it was just a case of Biden feeling “under the weather”. What did he do drink a capful of Nyquil? There were times when he had a very vacuous look on his face - not bleary eyed, but just blank look.

I do not feel his performance was related to age or slight illness. I have had a stroke - things like memory, speech and fact recall can be issues - my impressions of last night are intuitive and strictly my own however I honestly feel that for him to continue might be a mistake, and the Democratic leadership don’t have full confidence in Harris.

It may not be pretty or nice to hear but I feel the best way forward is to step down. Now will he? He just announced that he’s still up to the job, he can do it - yet if he continues and wins he will be 86 in 2028. I believe that he WANTS to the job wholeheartedly and he would rather eat nails than lose to 45. What do you think may happen if Biden/Harris lose the election?

What are you willing to live with if they do?

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Jun 29Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

I’m from California and have watched the change in Newsome over the past few years. I voted for him in Cal l, but he didn’t used to be this outspoken or combative with the republican party. Intuitively I figured out that he has been running a shadow campaign.

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Hi Tammy. Let me ask you- why on Earth, do you believe he decided to agree to running a shadow campaign for Biden. I’m curious especially since you say you’ve witnessed a change in demeanor/attitude.

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Jun 29Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

I have no idea! He was really popular in Cal (prior to his gaff during the pandemic), so I don’t know if he always has his eye on becoming President, and/or, if he was approached by the party. Maybe both, but I feel like he was approached, because all of a sudden he was out debating on topics that had nothing to do with California, and in such a different demeanor. Honestly, I liked the old Gavin better - he stood up for what was right but didn’t engage in the madness with the other party. I feel like it’s an external strategy. What do you think??

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I think his debate performance(s) were to show his debate style and ferocity. Like a “try-out”

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100% agree on the “try out!” That’s was I was thinking too!! Will be interesting to see how this all plays out - Harris/Newsom or Newsome/Harris?!!!

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Jun 29Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

People have been asking him for years if he would run for president and he always said no. So that’s what makes me feel like he was approached - but yes, why would he agree? What’s in it for him…or, do they have something on him?

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You know, Tammy - in my chart analysis of Newsom I said he’s a sun Libra but that’s using whole house calculations - this places each planet directly in a house so one can better see them. But the fact is, he’s really a sun Virgo.

This gives two (2) possibilities: (1) he’s doing it for the “fairness and justice” of it - Libra BUT

(2) the Virgo sun says it’s about the “reasonableness and practicality” of it.

I slept on this premise last night and my gut feeling is that he will take the King of Coins Rx position. The “all is not above board” interpretation just fits, IMO. When the choice came down to who would take Barbara Boxer’s place in the Senate because she retired, he deferred to Harris - allowing her take the seat.

I firmly believe, that a “back room deal” has already been made.. that Rx King Coins. He will become the new nominee and leave Harris behind if the💩 hits the fan.

Of course we need to keep in mind the next debate 10 September 2024 and the VP debate scheduled TBA (to be announced). Harris is a skilled debater so it will depend on two things - who 45 picks as his VP choice to go up against her but also how Biden performs on 10th September.

*AND* the Mercury Rx dates are 5 - 27 August putting Biden/45 squarely in the crosshairs. If the VP debate is during this time as well…

Remember it takes a Mercury Rx transit approximately 8 weeks to complete. It starts 2 weeks before and lasts 2 weeks after the actual dates.

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This is really interesting, Tara! I believe a back room deal has been made too. What's so shocking to me is the change in Newsom's behavior (why is it so drastic?), and the possible (back room) strategy of sending out Biden to the wolves for that debate, from his own party. Newsom was a laid-back governor, and I really liked that about him. It felt more authentic. I don't know who this Newsom is - is this the "real" him, or is it for show? Why?

Will be really interesting to see how this all plays out, particularly in August.

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I kind of have the same feeling in that he was approached by the party. He had the reputation of being somewhat laid-back as CA governor. He swatted off the pandemic gaff and kept it moving…and then BAM! He was out debating the likes of Ron DeSantis, Ted Cruz (who I think didn’t answer the debate call), my guvner Hotwheels Abbott - although he didn’t debate him live just on Twitter.

This leads me to think that maybe…just maybe this was the plan all along. Not external strategy but internal strategy from the Dems side.

I will have to consider this possibility but hard.

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Jul 1Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

A lot will be happening in the next few months. I am watching July 11 sentence of convicted felon 34. The other massive dates are July 15 where Mars (planet of action-war-aggression) will conjunct Uranus (planet of sudden shocks-surprises) and Algol (the worst fixed demon star which asks where are you losing your head/mind) will be during the RNC convention. Expect the unexpected. Followed by the DNC convention August 19-22 and 2 eclipses Sep 18 and Oct 2. Who/what will be eclipsed and effects can start 6 weeks prior and last 6 months after. July will be chaotic and fasten your seat belts as there will be turbulence.

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I think we need to be looking to the postures of countries, organizations (like banks), states and religious movements to get a better idea of what may be coming. Politics change but the history usually repeats itself in some form or fashion.

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Jul 1Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

A president and VP, constitutionally can never be from the same state. So Newsom/Harris is out of the question. Another scenario is Harris stepping aside to become the next SCOTUS as a Biden/Newson ticket would excite Dems and Independents as Newsom is younger, more charismatic and is a governor.

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Basically, it is not against a pres/vp but a rule/law for the state electors

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Jun 29Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

I'm pretty sure that a President and Vice President cannot be from the same State. Cheney acquired Wyoming residency to not be a Texas resident like Dubya.

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Wanita. I replied to another poster about this. It is below. But I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring your comment. Been busy these past few days. 😊

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I meant above your original comment.

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Jun 29Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

I’ve been feeling for quite some time now that NEITHER Trump nor Biden will be the final candidates running for the election. I know that seems unlikely, but it is what I’ve been feeling.

I think it would be unusual for an entire party ticket to emanate from one state—though you’re right—Harris and Newsom do share a connection, and indeed a karmic one of some kind. His nodes line up with her Sun-Moon opposition and other chart points within a one degree orb. Not for nothing, but he likewise has points lining up with her nodes, his Midheaven is also pretty close to both her North Node and Ascendant—and transiting Jupiter will sit on top of that mix for both of them on Election Day.

I’m feeling that something hidden, and health related is also happening on the Trump side, but hasn’t shown up yet.

I do keep seeing this three of cups type image of a spiritually connected female triumvirate—possibly the leaders of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. in 2025? I guess we’ll see.

Interesting, albeit anxious times.

Anyway, thanks much for your insights.



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I agree about a possible health issue with 45 - I mean - as we age we gather health issues. The difference being that 45’s health was not on display for 15 million (or more) people. Reading tweets from people who live outside of the US, they think we’re crazy. A lot of the tweets were asking “ America, is this the best you have to offer?”

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Jun 29Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

I think it will show up. And I hear you. I work with a lot of folks overseas. I think astonished is the word—and equally horrified because they need us.

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Jun 28Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

Hi Tara,

I think Joe Biden will be the nominee, and Kamala will be his VP. I honestly believe he was not feeling well, and we cannot discharge him over one debate, while lying Donald Trump stays on the ticket for the repubs.

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Listen - I know it’s kinda sad especially since he’s 81. Society tends to throw away, disregard and ignore elderly people. But Uncle Joe has had a good run. He’s done some very positive things for the American people (even though some would deny that). But we have to be realistic about what happened, it’s useless to deny it. There are 129-130 days until election time and there are more debates to come.

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Jun 28Liked by Tarot-2-Go by Tara

After Jessica Adam’s post I decided to do some research about Gavin Newsome, since I didn’t know him . I’m not finished and it is too big too post. I think you might be right.. at the moment I’m not sure if it is helpful at all … but I there is something I want to ask you… can Gavin Newsome be Kyra Oser’ s king of pentacles since he earned a lot money with wine and this king is full of grapes ? I also share your vibe about him , so my second question can he also be the person in her dreams ( I thought stealing from the children .. what keeps popping in my mind is : if it’s too good to be through its too good to be through…

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Yes indeed he could be a king of coins and he could also be Jessica’s knight of coins. Now the most pressing question would if the king of coins, why reversed? That’s not a good look on anyone. The next question would be does Newsom have some kind of secret/personality disorder that could be detrimental to his chances of winning or “saving” the country from the clutches of 45?

It’s all too much to contemplate at the moment, but I’ve been seriously thinking about this - who can it be, why is he reversed and what does it really mean?

The tarot can be very enigmatic at the best of times and downright mystifying at the worst of times. I’m hoping that @kyra lin oser will have new insights for us sometime soon.

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Someone else made this assertion however, it’s not really true. It comes from the Electoral College and 12th amendment which is Article II of the Constitution. While it is widely believed that this is true in actuality, any president/vp can be chosen from the same, but Article says that

“The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves.”

Basically it institutes a prohibition in the case of a close tie.


It is very confusing, but not really illegal.

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We are all watching and wondering...from my view from outside USA I hope for a positive outcome whatever that may be. A lot of things seem to be in flux at moment, uncertainty.

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All is in flux. That’s the nature of the Universe - nothing is static. On a personal note: I feel as if I’m watching Rome burn. Throughout history civilizations have typically lasted between 200 - 400 years.

I think the next very important transit of Uranus in Gemini 7 July 2026. It makes me nervous.

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